Since 12th February 2009 EPA has adopted a corporate relations policy, in which possible forms of collaboration between EPA and its corporate counterparts are detailed.


Such paediatric community, is regularly informed about EPA-UNEPSA activities by periodical mailings and the publication of the traditional EPA-UNEPSA Newsletters. The important feed-backs received by the community, are useful to EPA-UNEPSA to properly plan its further activities. EPA-UNEPSA has developed a corporate collaboration programme that allows companies to support our work, provided they share our mission and values, and comply with our ethical principles and “guidelines” for Relations with Industry.

Jointly we can understand diverse issues better, and develop targeted activities to effectively meet paediatricians’ needs for medical education, best practice guidelines, and interactive communication. By working and learning together and by proactively combining our strengths, we can develop beneficial projects and improve the European's child health.

EPA-UNEPSA is grateful for the support of sponsors to its programs in favour of children health and wellbeing and welcomes new candidates on a continuous basis.


To be internationally perceived as the leading paediatric organization in Europe, representing leading operative standards for uniting paediatricians internationally and facilitating their joint efforts to work, learn and grow together.


  • Our core values are ones based along the dimensions of
  • High quality in everything we do
  • Long and adequate experience for assigned experts and team members
  • A real understanding and knowledge of our profession and its impact on society
  • Openness and transparency in our work
  • A global thinking and outreach
  • Exchange of ideas and best practice for continuous development
  • Equality across gender, age, nationality and religion
  • Integrity to show respect towards the people we are privileged to work with


  • Encourage co-operation between National Paediatric societies and Associations in Europe
  • Stimulate collaborative research into paediatrics in Europe
  • Improve the quality of paediatric patient care in all European countries
  • Promote the exchange of national experiences in the various fields of patient care
  • Co-operate with paediatric associations worldwide, the WHO and UNICEF
  • Organise congresses and meetings to promote paediatric best practice for the benefit of children
  • Represent European paediatricians in relation to the International Paediatric Association (IPA)